Recent SpaceX Launches

Recent SpaceX Launches as seen from my house

Published Jun 24, 2024 in Video

SpaceX June 18th Launch

SpaceX June 18th Launch

SpaceX has launched a number of rockets out of Vandenberg in the evenings recently. When they launch from Vandenberg they head south over the Pacific. Launches in the evening are particularly visible because the sun is low, but it’s still light out. I took the kids out to see them.

SpaceX June 18th Launch

SpaceX June 18th Launch

SpaceX June 18th Launch

The launch on the 23rd was partially obscured by cloud cover, but the effect looked pretty cool.

SpaceX June 23rd Launch

SpaceX June 23rd Launch

SpaceX June 23rd Launch

Got my blue belt

After a few years of training, I got my BJJ Blue Belt

Published Aug 10, 2023 in BJJ