LaunchImage Names and Dimensions
List Test This is a paragraph Red Orange Yell...
List Test
This is a paragraph
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Hunter Green
- Lime Green
- Lime
- Lemon
- Orange
- Grape Fruit
- Aqua Marine
- Blue
- Purple
Many iOS apps use the LaunchImage functionality either in conjunction with a splash screen or to make the app appear to load quicker. Below is a list of all the filenames and dimensions for the various iOS devices.
Device | Image Name | Dimensions |
Original iPhone | Default.png | 320x480 |
iPhone 4 & 4s | Default@2x.png | 640x960 |
iPhone 5 | Default-568h@2x.png | 640x1136 |
Original iPad | Default~ipad.png | 768x1004 |
Original iPad Landscape | Default-Landscape~ipad.png | 1024x748 |
iPad Retina | Default@2x~ipad.png | 1536x2008 |
iPad Retina Landscape | Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png | 2048x1496 |
ImageMagick Resize and Crop Script
convert original.png -resize "480x" -crop "320x480+80+0" Default.png
convert original.png -resize "960x" -crop "640x960+160+0" Default@2x.png
convert original.png -resize "1136x" -crop "640x1136+248+0" Default-568h@2x.png
convert original.png -resize "1004x" -crop "768x1004+118+0" Default~ipad.png
convert original.png -resize "1004x" -crop "768x1004+118+0" Default~ipad.png
convert original.png -resize "1024x" -crop "1024x748+0+138" Default-Landscape~ipad.png
convert original.png -resize "2008x" -crop "1536x2008+236+0" Default@2x~ipad.png
convert original.png -resize "2048x" -crop "2048x1496+0+276" Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png
Launch the RubyMotion Simulator in Different Configurations
rake simulator device_family=iphone
rake simulator device_family=iphone retina=3.5
rake simulator device_family=iphone retina=4
rake simulator device_family=ipad
rake simulator device_family=ipad retina=true
Icon Sizes
Device | Image Name | Icon Size |
iPhone (iPod Touch) | Icon.png | 57x57 |
iPhone (iPod Touch) - Retina | Icon@2x.png | 114x114 |
iPad | Icon-72.png | 72x72 |
iPad - Retina | Icon-72@2x.png | 144x144 |
App Store | iTunesArtwork.png | 512x512 |
App Store Retina | iTunesArtwork@2x.png | 1024x1024 |
ImageMagick Resize Icon Script
convert iTunesArtwork@2x.png -resize "512x" iTunesArtwork.png
convert iTunesArtwork@2x.png -resize "57x" Icon.png
convert iTunesArtwork@2x.png -resize "72x" Icon-72.png
convert iTunesArtwork@2x.png -resize "114x" Icon@2x.png
convert iTunesArtwork@2x.png -resize "144x" Icon-72@2x.png
This is a test this
is only a test
def html(field)
markdown = dynamic_fields(self.send(field))
html = if markdown.present?
redcarpet =, :autolink => true, :space_after_headers => true, :tables => true)
This is a test this is only a test
| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
| Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 |
| Value 1a | Value 2a | Value 3a |
* This is a _test_
* This is **only** a test
This is a test this is only a test
<tr class="row">
<th class="header">Column 1</th>
<th class="header">Column 2</th>
<th class="header">Column 3</th>
<tr class="row">
<td class="cell">Value 1</td>
<td class="cell">Value 2</td>
<td class="cell">Value 3</td>
<td class="cell">Value 1a</td>
<td class="cell">Value 2a</td>
<td class="cell">Value 3a</td>
==This is 2^(nd) test, this is only a test==.
I’m ‘still testing’, ‘this’ is “just a test” of some “quotes”
This is a test